America’s Illusion of Progress: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a Veil for Unaddressed Systemic Racism

America’s Illusion of Progress: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a Veil for Unaddressed Systemic Racism

We have been subjected to what has been nothing more than the theatrical production of societal progress. The United States has become adept at playing the role of the righteous crusader against systemic racism, even Oscar-worthy. With elaborate policies and programs, the nation showcases its...

Media Representation Matters: Amplifying Voices, Changing Narratives

Media Representation Matters: Amplifying Voices, Changing Narratives

In an increasingly interconnected world, the media plays a pivotal role in shaping public perception and influencing societal attitudes. One area where the media holds immense power is in the representation of diverse communities, particularly when it comes to race. The way races and...